Saturday, August 21, 2010

Leaves and

My puppy has started eating leaves. It's not even autumn yet and he manages to find a whole bunch of dried ones every time he goes out. His fur is like a leaf magnet or something because he always comes back with new leaves stuck to his face or feet or butt. I have no idea where he's finding them all but they end up all around my house or being smacked on loudly by my puppy who finds the crunchy sounds delectable.

On another note, my website is still down after they have updated the site so I haven't been able to post anything new. This and the fact that I have barely made a dollar so far, are very convincing circumstances for quitting the site. However, I have yet to officially do so.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I found a cool website called They focus on finding local writers to write about specific local topics and categories. I applied for the job and was accepted. I'm not expecting too much money from it but I am happy just to get my name out there and try my hand at food critiquing.

Here is my site.

Not to worry, though. My topic is only Charleston Italian Restaurants and so I will continue to post other critiques on this here favorite blog. I may also take this blog a bit more personal and add some stories about my favorite puppy dog and the more personal verisions of my food articles that I am not allowed to post on since they want everything to be in second or third person.

Thanks for reading and supporting me! :)